<aside> 💡 In this tutorial, you’ll learn to:
What would a Dismount level be without obstacles? As they can be a crucial part of the Dismount experience, let’s add some!
To add an obstacle hotspot, first open the SX Toolbox (from SX → Toolbox → Show Toolbox in Unity’s top menu). Then, click on the Add Obstacles button, and finally, click the Add Obstacle Hotspots button. This will create a hotspot on whatever surface your viewport camera is currently pointing towards. When there are obstacle hotspots in the level, the player can populate these hotspots with whatever obstacles they want.
<aside> 💡 Important note! Make sure that your obstacles are named in the following manner: ObstacleHotspot1, ObstacleHotspot2, and so on, in numerical order. This will make sure that they appear the way they should in Play mode.
Pro tip: you can use a Raycast tool to position the obstacle hotspot (and any other objects, really) flat onto any solid surface in the level. Simply select the obstacle hotspot, and press U on the keyboard to activate the tool. Grab the green gizmo from its center point and drag it, and watch the hotspot follow the orientation of the surface underneath.
For our level, let’s place an additional obstacle hotspot right next to the intersection like so.
As you’ve probably noticed, the Toolbox also has a second obstacle-related button. As its description will tell you (when you hover the mouse cursor above it), it will show all available obstacles in the project browser. This will allow you to drag-and-drop individual obstacles directly into the scene.