<aside> 💡 In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to add and edit roads, and to add certain props to them.


If you followed the tutorial from the beginning, you should already have a basic level that has a PlayerVehicle prefab (a spawn point for the player vehicle and characters), a straight strip of Road, and a large Landblock underneath. In this tutorial, we’ll create the foundation for a simple T-Junction level. Let’s dive deeper into how roads work in Turbo Dismount 2!

Transforming Roads

Each road segment is a spline with two anchor points. The road gets generated smoothly between them. If the road is lifted above ground, support pillars are automatically generated underneath the road.

Let’s try it out.

  1. Choose the Move tool in Unity by pressing W on the keyboard.
  2. Click on the middle section of the road. You’ll now see three positional gizmos, all of which have three arrows representing the X, Y, and Z axes. The gizmos also have three rectangles representing the X, Y, and Z planes, respectively.
  3. You can click and drag an arrow, which moves the road’s anchor point in a single direction. Alternatively, you can click on a rectangle to move the anchor point along a plane.



You can also rotate an anchor point.

  1. Select a road segment
  2. Press E to select the Rotate Tool
  3. Click and drag one of the gizmos.


Adding New Roads

You can create new roads in two ways: