<aside> 💡 In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to decorate the scene with medium and small-scale objects.


There are two basic ways to bring objects to the scene: Drag-and-drop them from the project browser, or “paint” them into the scene with the Painter tool. They both have their advantages: If you know what type of prop you’re after, you can simply type the name into the project browser’s search bar access it quickly that way. On the other hand, the Painter tool can be useful when you want to quickly populate the scene with a variety of different objects.


When you click on the button, a Painter window will open up. It has four buttons:


Click on the Brush tool on the left. This will expand the tool’s settings:


Some of the most important settings are:

Next, we’ll click on the Show Static Props in Project Browser button on the top right to place some medium-sized elements in the scene. This will show all available static, non-movable assets that you have at your disposal.