<aside> 💡
In this tutorial, we’ll look at how to decorate the scene with large-scale elements: Landblocks and Buildings.
At the top of the SX Toolbox, you’ll see a button called Add Landblocks. This will allow you to place some basic large-scale geometry in the level. Let’s try it!
When you press the button, a block of land will appear in the scene on top of whatever solid surface the camera is currently pointing towards. (If the camera is pointed towards the sky, the block will appear in the center point of the world, respectively.) Add a Landblock to the level now.
You should now have a new piece of geometry in the level. When you have the Landblock selected, you can drag its yellow arrows to stretch it, making it longer, wider, and taller.
<aside> 💡 Pro tip: You can alter two sides of the Landblock at the same time if you hold down Alt while dragging one of the yellow arrows.
Over in the Inspector, you’ll also find a lot of useful settings inside the Land Block component: