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In the previous step, you exported the level into the game, and you opened the level from the Custom Level card that's located in the level menu's Workshop subtab. Now, let’s upload the level to the Steam Workshop.


As you have the Custom Level open, you should see a button titled "Upload to Workshop" in the lower left part of the screen when you haven't pressed the Dismount button yet and don't have any menu windows open. Let's press that button.


This should open a window that asks you to confirm if you want to upload your level to Steam Workshop. Here you also see two icons: the Ingame Icon is displayed in the game's level list, while the Workshop Preview will be the level's header picture in Steam. (These pictures can be edited in the Unity scene by opening up LevelSettings (at the very top of the scene hierarchy) and inserting your images in the menu that opens.)


Press Confirm to agree to the terms of service and to upload your level to the workshop.

All done!

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