<aside> 💡 In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to change some global settings for your level.
As you have your newly created level open, you can highlight the LevelSettings section in the Hierarchy window to change some of its basic settings over in the Inspector tab.
In this menu, you’ll find the following settings:
Use Theme Defaults: If you turn this off, you can customize the active theme to your liking for the active level.
You’ll get options for adjusting the wind angle/magnitude, sun direction, and rain intensity. You can even adjust gravity! NOTE: Going overboard with rain and snow rates will affect game performance!
Theme: This contains a list of theme presets that control the weather, lighting, object colors, time of day, and even time of year in the scene.
Background: Contains a selection of background elements, including a distant city, monument valleys, or a mountain range. If you wish, you can also leave the background empty.
Tune: Controls which soundtrack is playing during the level.
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