<aside> 💡 In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to make a minimal functional level


To start making levels, open Unity, and under the SX menu item, choose:

SX → Toolbox → Show Toolbox

SX Toolbox appears. The buttons from left to right are:

  1. Create New Level
  2. Edit Level Settings
  3. Add Landblocks
  4. Add Buildings
  5. Build Roads and Traffic
  6. Add Splines
  7. Add Obstacle Hotspots
  8. Triggers and Logic
  9. Paint Props and Decorations
  10. Export Level

SX Toolbox in floating mode

SX Toolbox in floating mode

SX Toolbox when docked to a window

SX Toolbox when docked to a window

The items in this list range from the largest and most general building blocks down to the smallest ones. However, for the purpose of quickly building a functional level, let’s first focus on the items that are more gameplay-oriented. We can add static geometry such as Landblocks and Buildings later on.

Let’s get started!

Creating a New Level

To create a new level, press the Create a New Level button in the Toolbox. You’ll be prompted with a confirmation window.

Press Create Level.


Choose a name for your level. The file is automatically saved to the correct location, typically the Assets folder of your project.

<aside> 💡

Make sure you save the level inside your Unity project!


Press Save.

You’ll be greeted with a scene containing the bare essentials of a playable level:


Now you should have a very basic playable level that you’re able to drive around in. Well done! There are lots of decorative and gameplay-related elements that you can bring to your level designs, but we’ll talk about those in the other sections of this tutorial series.