<aside> 💡 In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to make a minimal functional level
To start making levels, open Unity, and under the SX menu item, choose:
SX → Toolbox → Show Toolbox
SX Toolbox appears. The buttons from left to right are:
SX Toolbox in floating mode
SX Toolbox when docked to a window
The items in this list range from the largest and most general building blocks down to the smallest ones. However, for the purpose of quickly building a functional level, let’s first focus on the items that are more gameplay-oriented. We can add static geometry such as Landblocks and Buildings later on.
Let’s get started!
To create a new level, press the Create a New Level button in the Toolbox. You’ll be prompted with a confirmation window.
Press Create Level.
Choose a name for your level. The file is automatically saved to the correct location, typically the Assets folder of your project.
<aside> 💡
Make sure you save the level inside your Unity project!
Press Save.
You’ll be greeted with a scene containing the bare essentials of a playable level:
Now you should have a very basic playable level that you’re able to drive around in. Well done! There are lots of decorative and gameplay-related elements that you can bring to your level designs, but we’ll talk about those in the other sections of this tutorial series.